
Company Name: SEAM Consult BV

Legal Form: Besloten Vennootschap (BV)

Registered Office: Houtlaan 69A, 9403EV  Assen, the Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce Number: 84610395

VAT Identification Number: NL863280262B01

Represented by: S. Begtasevic & E.F. Heuving

Contact Information:

  • Address: Houtlaan 69A, 9403EV, Assen, the Netherlands

  • Email:

  • Website: (.eu / .nl / .de)

  • Phone: +49 178 514 0500 (Germany)   +31 6 12 99 66 95 (the Netherlands)

Additional Information: Mainly royalty-free images from Stockphoto (Various photographers) and own photos

For information

Please call:
+ 49 178 514 0500
+31 6 12 99 66 95

General e-mailadress

Location Netherlands

Houtlaan 69a
9403EV Assen
The Netherlands

Location Germany

Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 21
74523 Schwaebisch Hall